The Baroque is a period of an astonishing upsurge of spiritual and moral forces, manifested in fervent creative activity in all areas of cultural activity. One of the most visible areas was architecture.
Two generations of Dientzenhofer builders and architects were among those who shaped the form of Baroque architecture in Central Europe - in Bohemia, Bavaria in Franconia and the Palatinate, Hesse, Thuringia and Silesia.
VIA DIENTZENHOFER presents the story of the five Dientzenhofer brothers - Georg, Wolfgang, Christoph, Leonhard and Johann. And at the same time the sons of Christoph - Kilian Ignaz and Johann - Justus Heinrich.
The VIA DIENTZENHOFER project also commemorates the 300th anniversary of the death of Christoph Dientzenhofer.
Christoph Dientzenhofer, † 20 June 1722, Prague