List of architects
The son of Georg Dientzenhofer, a farmer on the Oberulpoint farm near Litzdorf in Upper Bavaria, and Barbara née Thanner, the eldest of the Dietzenhofer brothers, architect and builder, creator of the pilgrimage church of the Holy Trinity called Kappl near Waldsassen, with an extremely symbolic architectural content, He opened the way for his brothers - in the case of Leonhard and Johann in Bamberg, in the case of Wolfgang in Amberg, husband of Maria Elisabeth née Hager and father of four…
More informationSon of Georg Dientzenhofer, a farmer on the Oberulpoint farm near Litzdorf in Upper Bavaria, and Barbara née Thanner, the second eldest of the first generation of Dientzenhofer brothers, architect and builder of many important monastic buildings in Amberg, the capital of the Electorate of the Upper Palatinate in Bavaria, monasteries, churches and profane buildings throughout the Upper Palatinate, court architect of the Electorate of Amberg, husband of Maria Isabella, father of eight children,…
More informationSon of Georg Dientzenhofer, a peasant on the farm Gugghof near St. Margarethen in Upper Bavaria, and Barbara née Thanner, third eldest of the first generation of Dientzenhofer builders, architect and builder in Bohemia, builder and architect of the monastery of St. He was the architect of the monastery in Teplá, churches in the Broumov region and a number of sacred and profane Baroque buildings in Bohemia, the husband of Anna Maria, the father of five children and two stepchildren, and his son…
More informationSon of Georg Dientzenhofer, a farmer on the farm Gugghof near St. He was the fourth eldest of the Dientzenhofer brothers, architect and builder, together with his brother Georg and Johann the creator of the Baroque appearance of Bamberg and many other sacred and profane buildings of the Bamberg chapter, court architect of the Prince-Bishop of Bamberg Lothar Franz von Schönborn, court architect to Margrave Christian Ernst of Bayreuth, architect of the townhouses in Bamberg, architect and builder…
More informationSon of Georg Dientzenhofer, a farmer on the farm Gugghof near St. He was the youngest of the Dientzenhofer brothers, architect and builder, together with his brother Georg and Leonhard the creator of the Baroque appearance of Bamberg and many other sacred and profane buildings of the Bamberg chapter, court architect of the Prince-Bishop of Bamberg Lothar Franz von Schönborn, husband of Maria Eleonora and father of eleven children. Of these, his sons Justus Heinrich (1702-1744) and Gottfried,…
More informationKilián Ignác Dientzenhofer was born in 1689 as the third child of the marriage of Christopher Dientzenhofer and Anna Maria nee. Lange, one of the most important Czech architects of the High Baroque period, author of a large number of sacral and profane buildings in Bohemia, court architect of the Benedictine Order of Břevnov-Broum, architect of the Imperial Court Building Office in Bohemia, architect of the Church of St. He was the architect of the St. Nicholas Monastery in the Lesser Town and…
More informationSyn Johanna Dientzenhofera, nejmladšího z první generace stavitelů Dientzenhoferů a Marie Eleonory, architekt a stavitel, dvorní architekt a městský rada v Bambergu, spolupracovník jednoho z nejvýznamnějších architektů 1. poloviny 18. století Balthasara Neumanna, manžel Anny Kathariny roz. Burger, otec čtyř dětí Justus Heinrich se narodil 5. listopadu 1702 ve Fuldě, kde jeho otec Johann Dientzenhofer působil jako dvorní architekt kapituly ve Fuldě, hlavním městě kurfiřství Hessenského. U svého…
More informationJohann Lucas von Hildebrandt was one of the most important architects of the Baroque period, whose career was closely linked to the court of the Habsburg monarchy and the leading noble families of Central Europe. He came from a German officer's family, from the marriage of a German father and an Italian mother. After studying civil and military engineering in Rome and Piedmont, he settled in Vienna, where he became court architect. Education and early career Hildebrandt studied civil and…
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